Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Scars of our past

Dare two is to think about the scars we may have received from our past.  I chose to answer them all even though I originally had it in my head to only choose two or three.  

- How did your parents interact with each other?

With no patience, no understanding, very little love and respect. Physical and verbal abuse :(

- Was there unconditional love for everyone in the home?


- Was there unconditional respect for everyone in the home?


- Were there healthy boundaries in your home or were people controlling?

Two people trying to control everything in a very unloving way. That doesn't usually work out.

- What are the deepest scars and wounds of your childhood?

I felt like a last thought. Everybody was so busy dealing my siblings drug problems, their marriage problems etc. and I still carry around anger over that because I still deal with it.

- In what ways were you “programmed” by your experiences to incorrectly view God, yourself and/or marriage?

My mom didn't trust men and really wasn't honest, my dad had a horrible temper and didn't try to think rationally how to handle situations.  My dad would get in weird episodes and try to talk about god and then start yelling and screaming didn't understand why my mom didn't take us to church etc.  I could write a book here but I won't.

I do not deny that I carry these scars and Even as I go through this journey I do not want my mother knowing I am doing this because she would have something very negative to say.  But I am already seeing positive responses from my honey.  That is what is important to me. He told me I was perfect today and hopes he doesn't let me down.  I love him :)

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